Our SLforge and SLEMI tools automatically find compiler bugs in MATLAB/Simulink

Professional Experiences

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering

Fall 2015 - Fall 2019. GPA: 4.0
Dissertation: Automated Testing of a Commmercial Cyber-Physical System Development Tool Chain
Supervisors: Dr. Christoph Csallner and Dr. Taylor Johnson

B.Sc. in Computer Science at Engineering

Graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in February 2013
Major GPA: 3.77
Thesis: Automatically Generate Packets to Test PCI-Express Transport Layer Protocol Compliance

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Featured Research Projects
SLEMI: Equivalence Modulo Input (EMI) for Simulink

First Equivalence Modulo Input (EMI) based compiler testing of Simulink. Our SLEMI tool implements new EMI-based mutation of Simulink programs and found new compiler bugs.

SLforge: Automated Validation of Complex CPS Tool Chain

Bronze Medal at ACM/Microsoft Student Research Competion at ICSE 2018

Developed the first known automated validation tool for complex cyber-physical system tool chains (e.g. MATLAB/Simulink), which has already found 10+ new, confirmed bugs.

Largest Public Corpus of Simulink Models

To explore real-world cyber-physical system model metrics, we have developed and are maintaining the largest corpus of publicly available MATLAB/Simulink models.